Etwall Organisations

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Etwall and Burnaston Local History Society

At the outset the society’s area of interest was primarily the three civil parishes of Etwall, Burnaston and Bearwardcote.

Over time the society carried out a number of local research projects, the results of which are now held in the Archives at Derbyshire County Council in Matlock. Those records are open to the public by request direct to the council.

While no longer carrying out research, we do have a thriving group which meets at 7.30 pm
on the third Tuesday of each month in the Methodist Chapel Schoolroom, Willington Road, Etwall, DE65 6HX. Our speakers embrace a range of historical subjects and people, often, but not exclusively, centred on Derbyshire. These well attended evenings always conclude
with tea, coffee and lots of friendly chatter.

Members also meet informally for lunch each month.

Visitors and new members are always welcome.

For more information please contact Pauline Martin on 01283 732786 or email

Our upcoming meetings are shown each month in the Etwall Express, Hilton & Dove Valley Life and Etwall village noticeboards.

Follow us on Facebook

Etwall Well Dressing

Please note that the Etwall Well Dressing Association has it’s own site and more details, including dates of events as well as photo galleries from previous years, can be found by visiting their site (click here).

Another useful site to visit is well-dressing .com  Here you can can also view Well Dressings from other Derbyshire villages.

Upcoming events:

18th November Wine Tasting at Frank Wickham Hall

Rotary Club of Etwall and Hilton

The Rotary Club of Etwall and Hilton was formed in 1987 and currently has 20 members drawn from all walks of life within the local community. The local Rotary covering the Etwall and Hilton area normally meet in the Hilton House Hotel, Back Lane, Hilton, on Tuesday evenings at 6.45pm for dinner at 7:00pm. Please note any visiting Rotarians are always welcome. During the year a wide range of after-dinner speakers are invited and roughly once a month there is a ladies night.

The Club organises a number of fund raising activities, the most important of which is our Christmas tree sale in December. Members, wives and friends man “the shop” in shifts and sell various types of Christmas Trees. Most years the profit on this activity is about £10,000 which is all donated to local, national and international charities.

There are a large number of social activities ranging from “Black tie” dinner-dances to golf days. Etwall and Hilton Rotary Club also belong to Eurotary87, a group of European Rotary clubs that were all founded in the same year as our own. This meets every September for a weekend somewhere in Europe.

Rotary was originally started in 1905 in Chicago USA by Paul Harris, a lawyer. He was used to small town America and on setting up in business in Chicago he found it difficult to get to know the local business community. He started inviting a couple of friends round to his office once a week at lunchtime where they ate their lunch together just for company and a chat. The friends in turn asked other friends to join them for lunch and they then began to rotate the meeting around each other’s offices, hence the term “Rotary”

The Object of your local Rotary follows the exact same principles today and that is to encourage:

  • The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
  • High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
  • The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
  • The advancement of goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

For further information please contact your local President or a Rotarian who will invite you to a meeting where you will be made most welcome by your local Rotary Club.


  • President: Kathryn Caple – 07918 174556
  • Secretary: Colin Clark – 01283 732304

Wednesday Coffee Club

Takes place at Frank Wickham Hall, Portland Street, Etwall.
Monthly meetings are on third Wednesday of the month 2-4pm except August.
We have interesting speakers + social afternoons, including refreshments.
Members select a charity annually with a presentation being made at our December meeting.
Do come along you’ll made very welcome.
June Lomas chairperson
T. 01283 733779
M. 07779538029

Women’s Institute

WI logoThe local W.I. branch covering the Etwall area normally meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month except August in the Frank Wickham Hall at 7:30pm

Click here to visit the UK Women’s Institute website.
