Etwall Neighbourhood Plan

This page contains information about the Etwall Neighbourhood Plan and is divided into a number of sections for ease of reference. You can view the contents of a specific section by clicking on the relevant heading.

The Etwall Neighbourhood Plan Working Group are currently reviewing the first draft of the Neighbourhood Plan, with the aim to present the proposed Plan to the Parish Council for their endorsement in March 2025. Once the Plan is endorsed by the Parish Council, we will hold a 6 week consultation process with relevant bodies, key stakeholders and all residents in the Parish. We would envisage that consultation would take place in April and May 2025. We are also planning to hold another Consultation Evening in May or June 2025, where residents will be able to give their feedback and discuss the Plan with the Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group.

The Etwall Neighbourhood Plan Working Group meet on the second Wednesday of each month. If you would like to get involved, or have any thoughts or feedback on the project, please contact