Etwall Neighbourhood Plan

This page contains information about the Etwall Neighbourhood Plan and is divided into a number of sections for ease of reference. You can view the contents of a specific section by clicking on the relevant heading.

On Monday 14 October 2024 the Etwall Neighbourhood Plan Working Group will be hosting a drop-in session at Frank Wickham Hall between 6pm – 8pm. This session will provide an update on the progress made so far on the Neighbourhood Plan. This includes sharing analysis of the survey (sent to all Etwall residents in September 2023) results and comments. The survey feedback will form the basis of the Neighbourhood Plan.

During the evening there will be short 5 minute presentations at regular intervals, as well as information displays on the various elements of the Plan, including education, housing, transport, the Freeport and more. This is an opportunity to gain insight on what the Etwall Neighbourhood Plan may look like, and provide further thoughts and feedback on what we have covered and any other areas we may wish to consider.

The Etwall Neighbourhood Plan Working Group meet on the second Wednesday of each month. If you would like to get involved, or have any thoughts or feedback on the project, please contact