The Parish Council comprises twelve members, including the Chair, Vice-Chair. Meetings are held in the Frank Wickham Hall on the first Monday of each month unless this is a bank holiday when it becomes the second Monday. No meetings are held in August.
There are three committees which meet as and when required, the Youth Recreation and Allotments Committee, the Frank Wickham Hall Committee and the Finance Committee. The rules by which the Council operates is laid out in its Standing Orders. (See Documents page under “Other Documents: Policies and Procedures”)
The Parish Council has five employees, a part-time Clerk and assistant Clerk who carries out all the administration for the Parish Council, a full-time Groundsman, a part-time Groundsman and a part-time Booking Clerk/Caretaker for the Frank Wickham Hall.
All Members of the Parish Council are also Trustees to two registered charities – the Frank Wickham Hall Charity and the King George V Playing Field Charity. The Parish Council is also represented on other local charitable trusts, namely The Sir John Port and John Osborne Almshouses and Etwall Welfare Trust.