Etwall Planning

Planning Applications

Planning applications for the parish can be viewed by accessing the South Derbyshire website and entering ‘etwall’ in the Location Keyword box.

Notes about relevant current planning strategy and applications:

Freeport – East Midland Intermodal Park (EMIP)


Freeport map
Freeport map

The developers sketch opposite shows that the site is the land between the A50, A38, Egginton Road and Carriers Road with the main development North of the railway line with some environmental mitigation. The area South of the line is currently being proposed as environmental public open space.

Etwall Parish Council has taken the view that, because the development of the park is supported by District Council, County Council and Government, the park is highly likely to go ahead. The Parish Council have set up a small working group who are working in conjunction with Egginton Parish Council to mitigate, as far as possible, the effect of the development on the villages. To assist us, we have employed a Planning Consultant to advise on planning regulations that can be used to our advantage.

The developer’s timetable is that they are currently working on the initial masterplan this year, statutory consultation in early 2023 leading to an application for a Development Consent Order later in 2023. It is anticipated that construction will not be able to start until late 2024 or early 2025.

As noted above, the Parish Councils will endeavour to liaise with the developer to mitigate the effects of the development on the villages and are preparing an Impact Report on the effects of the development on the villages to submit to the National Infrastructure Planning inspector at the appropriate time.

Etwall Parish Council will endeavour to keep the village up to date on the situation on the Parish Council website and our Facebook page.

Development of 65 dwellings at Egginton Road (Jacksons Lane)

UPDATE AUGUST 2022: A new planning application has been submitted to South Derbyshire District Council to increase the number of properties to 65 from the approved 50 dwellings which are under construction. This is proposed to be achieved by reducing the number of larger properties approved and substituting with smaller properties. For details of this application please follow click on the following link.

The Parish Council has objected to this application.

Information about Planning Proposals

Where a parish council elects to be consulted by the Planning Authority on a planning application for development which is proposed within the parish boundaries, the law requires that Authority to submit the required documents to the parish council.  Etwall Parish Council has made such an election and planning applications are considered at each council meeting.

It should be noted that the responsibility of a parish council extends only to making comments and whether it does or does not object to the development, giving its reasons if an objection is being made.   It cannot grant or refuse permission for the development. Etwall Parish Council, as a body, will never comment, or endorse any statement, on the support or otherwise of a particular planning application until that application is submitted to it for comment, although this does not prevent individual members of the Council from making their own views known in the public arena.

Most planning applications received by Etwall Parish Council for comment are considered and decided upon by South Derbyshire District Council, but some are considered and decided by Derbyshire County Council where, for example, the application refers to the processing of minerals, disposal of waste etc. Exceptions to this might occur if an application is very large. In this instance the determination would be carried out by a National Authority.


Etwall Parish Council (Parish Clerk) will receive a notification from South Derbyshire District Council Planning of any valid planning application submitted within the parish boundary (note no information is received in respect of applications in an adjacent parish, irrespective of distance from parish boundary).

Clerk forwards a copy of all notifications received to all Parish Councillors with a request to review and forward any comment to the Chairman of the Parish Council Planning Committee.

The Chairman of the Parish Council Planning Committee will collate responses and report to the next Parish Council who will make a decision on their response to South Derbyshire District Council Planning. (if necessary, due to dates of Parish Council meetings, an extension of time may be requested).

Large “Outline” Applications

Additional actions to above

A folder will be added to the Parish Council website planning portal containing the latest information in the Parish Council’s possession and links to South Derbyshire District Council planning portal etc. as required.

An email alert will be sent to subscribers to the briefing network.

The Parish Council may call a Special Parish Council meeting to discuss the development depending on the consultation within the village by the developer. The developer will be invited to participate.  In addition the Parish Council Planning and Environment committee may hold a committee meeting to discuss planning and other related matters.  This meeting is open to the public.

If an application receives outline planning permission and a full reserved matters application is made, the Parish Council will update the planning portal folder and an email alert will be sent out.  The Parish Council will respond to consultation and endeavour to mitigate any adverse affect on the village.  Generally it is not anticipated that a Special Parish Council Meeting will be called however there is an opportunity for public discussion at any Parish Council or Parish Council Planning and Environment committee meeting.

Local Plan

Etwall Parish Council are monitoring progress on the plan and submitting comments and observations to South Derbyshire District Council as appropriate.

Below is the response the Council submitted in relation to the Issues and Option Consultation submitted in December 2022.

Neighbourhood Plan

In April 2022 Etwall Parish Council formed a Neighbourhood Plan working group with a view to assessing the viability and suitability of producing a plan for the the village.

A Neighbourhood Plan is a Government funded initiative that enables communities to shape the development and growth of the local area. Neighbourhood Plans feed into and help to form the Local Plans which decide where and how development happens. The intention is to empower local people to take a proactive role in shaping the future of the areas in which they live.

The Etwall Neighbourhood Plan Working Group meet on the second Wednesday of each month. Further information on the Neighbourhood Plan can be found on our Neighbourhood Plan page. If you would like to get involved, or have any thoughts or feedback on the project, please contact